Vanakkam makkaley! (Hey y’all)

Now that you are here in my lab, and if at all you’ve already concluded that it’s just another Chemistry related blog, then I must say that you’re superbly wrong. Yes, I’ve named it so, but the irony is that Chem was one of my least favorite subjects at school! Alchemy is fascinating though, thanks to FMA and Elric brothers. Who wouldn’t like the magical process of obtaining the elixir of life?

This blog is a resultant of the constant alchemy in my mind, which combines a whole lot of incessant brainwaves with one another, in the hopes of transmuting simple random thoughts into an elixir – a panacea – that keeps me alive and going! Take a sip of it, maybe it’ll help you too.

Let me introduce you to the ingredients in my Inventory :-

Unearthed Stories :- Fictional tales stemming from everyday realities.

One Odd Thought :- Anything that piques my curiosity and brain cells.

Tracks On A Loop :- Music and Lyrics that stirs my soul.

L.C.A – Lights Camera Action :- My opinion about the movies I watch. No sir, I’m no critic. Just another movie buff.

Land Ahoy :- The places, the journeys and the memories from it.

Teeny-Weeny Tales :- Short minuscule musings and tales.

Graphite Tales :- Lame attempts at sketching and other such artsy stuff.

Look around and let me know if you like any of the potions. Would happily keep brewing it up for you. Cheers!

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